
Dagger dependency graph generator for Android Developers

Daggraph — Daggraph is a library for generating a graph of dagger dependency. 
We will learn how to generate a dagger dependency graph using daggraph.

  • Open terminal & install daggraph using command : 

  • $ npm install -g daggraph

  • If you are getting error of “SyntaxError: Unexpected token function” in installing daggraph, then install the latest node version using command : 
  • $ sudo npm install -g

Then after successful installation, type the following command : 

$ daggraph <path of Android Directory>

ex : daggraph /home/chahat/Desktop/MyApplication

Then you will get following result : 

Choose which type of graph you want to generate.

Output : 

Bubble chart : 

Tree Chart : 

Linked node chart : 

That’s it. Now you can see your dependency graph.
